Are there possibilities of expanding the classes and workshops that I have been teaching through your group? Is it just readings and healings right now with a possibility to open up to doing classes down the line?

Yes.  Two options will become available in the future – in the booking system is an option for “Events” which will allow clients to book an online event and be taken to the event the same way a client books an appointment.  We are also exploring the ability to be able to book in person events as well.  This “Events”option should come online in the next few weeks.
The second option is on our “Learning Portal”.  This is a part of our website that will be dedicated to online learning and invitations to become an instructor/mentor will be called in the near future.  This service will involve dedicated ongoing online workshops and courses using video and online reading modules and interaction – not live events as such but they may include some live events as part of the course/workshop.
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