We use Paypal for processing payments. The system is setup for you to be able to receive a withdrawal at any time providing the payment and appointment has been completed. Within your Consultant Panel is a screen outlining your orders and they will be shown as “processing”. Your order will show the gross amount paid and the payment due to you. Be aware that this amount does not take into account the Paypal fee charged for transactions. After your appointment has been completed, you are able to change this setting from “processing” to completed. This sets off the auto process to request a withdrawal from our system for the amount due. If you then click on the “Payments” tab you will be able to see your due payment. This payment amount may differ slightly to what you receive in your Paypal account due to Paypal withdrawal fee and currency exchange. The processing time for funds to become completed and available for withdrawal is usually about 24 hours (dependant on PayPal processing times and weekends) after a payment and booking has been completed. The only time this 24 hour period may differ is if there has been an issue with validation of payment from the PayPal end and we will notify you of any delay.